想要写好一个故事,必须要有好的灵感,当灵感来的时候你挡也挡不住,那种感觉就好像你饥饿难耐的时候看到了美食,囗干舌燥的时候遇到了甘泉。但灵感来的快去的也快,我不得不在它来的时候用笔和本子记下它。 If you want to write a story well, you must have good inspiration. When inspiration comes, you can't stop it. That feeling is like seeing delicious food when you are hungry, and meeting sweet spring when your mouth is dry and your tongue is dry. But inspiration comes and goes quickly. I have to write it down with a pen and a book when it comes. 故事来源于生活,而我的小说里处处都透着真实的痕迹,生活的气息。 The story comes from life, and my novels are full of real traces and the breath of life. 一部好的作品一定不可以离开我们所生活的环境,如若不然,即使是再好的作品,那也是空洞的,也是没有灵魂的。 A good work must not leave the environment we live in. Otherwise, even the best work is empty and soulless. 真实,是故事的基础,这就好比是盖房子,连地基都没有打好,这房子又怎么能盖得牢固? Truth is the foundation of the story. It's like building a house. How can the house be built firmly without a good foundation? 真实,是片绿叶;故事,是朵红花;即使花朵再美,没有绿叶的陪衬,那也显不出花的娇嫩。 Truth is a green leaf; Story is a red flower; No matter how beautiful the flowers are, they will not show their tenderness without the foil of green leaves. 人这一生,因为每个人所受的教育不同,所成长的环境不同,所经历的也不同,所以他们的人生观和价值观也都不相同。如果人生可以重来一次,那么一切是不是都会不一样?那么我们是不是就不会有遗憾? In this life, because everyone has different education, growth environment and experience, their outlook on life and values are also different. If life can be repeated, will everything be different? Then will we have no regrets? ——石头FM 2022.7.23