泽雨轩 > 二次の元 > 仙王的日常生活 > 本作主题曲《仙王的无奈》英文版已正式上线(本章不计费)

本作主题曲《仙王的无奈》英文版已正式上线(本章不计费)(1 / 1)

请在网易云音乐搜索收听,酷狗音乐、QQ音乐将在隔周后同步上线!《仙王的无奈》<The helplessness of the Immortal King>演唱:旧是旧人&羽祭小兔(JiuShiJiuRen&YuJiXiaoTu)编曲:Mil作曲:深度ys(ShenDuys)混缩:叮儿(DingEr)作词/原著:枯玄(KuXuan)英文歌词翻译:Henyee Translations……昨夜修仙又到三更I stayed up all night till the morning为一点琐事闹心Worried about some tiny thing仙王的无奈究竟有谁能看清Tell me who~ can~ see how helpless is the king飞升的符篆来一斤A rising jin of flying talismans诉说过往谁聆听tales without a turnout真正的心愿其实是世界和平My only one true wish, is in fact for world peace~……校园生活如浮萍School life is like a duckweed飘啊飘聚散不定Drifting, meeting, and parting追逐着梦一路前进Chasing the dream that’s far in front回忆儿时抓过的小精灵Recall the elves that you caught as a young kid回忆那些年尴尬的场景Recall those odd years and times of yours……牵着手抬起头Hold my hand, raise your head看过每一年锦绣See the splendor of each year不回头用节奏Don’t look back, use the beat高歌庶仙谣一首Sing the Immortal’s Ballad昂首阔步抬头挺胸Walk ahead, keep your head high只要有你If you are here缘来不会失控I will never lose my way泽雨轩 zeyuxuan.cc

最新小说: 我的病娇女友 谁还不是个修行者了 异世星坠 和三笠一起穿越的日子 我在魔卡世界刷成就 赛尔号平行时空 柯南之我真不是酒厂劳模 遮天之无上天皇 原神之剑仙在此 我的恋爱选项有点难